+34 973 297 085
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions, please contact Customer Service on 973 297 085 or by email at [email protected]  

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Frequently asked questions
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  • 1. Location of the resort and how to get there

    Boí Taüll is the highest resort in the Pyrenees. The Lleida resort is located in the Alta Ribagorça region, in the municipality of Vall de Boí.


    You will find all the specific information on the itineraries by private vehicle and public transport, as well as location maps and more specific information in the Location section.

  • 2. What are the opening hours of the resort and customer service offices?

    The opening hours of the station are from 9.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m., and the customer service hours, the Information Point, are from 9.00 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. in the winter season.

  • 3. Is there a lost property office?

    Yes, all items lost during the winter season are taken to the Resort’s Information Point. Contact the resort on 973 29 70 85 or via e-mail: [email protected]

  • 4. Where are the headquarters located?

    The headquarters are located at the base of the resort, with access from the Information Point office. Contact the resort on 973 29 70 85.

  • 5. Is the resort accessible by public transport?

    Boí Taüll Station is accessible by public transport and taxi.

  • 6. Where is the leisure activities information office located?

    The information office for leisure activities is located at 2020, at the Information Point. Contact the office on 973 29 70 85

  • 7. What are the activities that can be enjoyed in Boí Taüll during the winter?

    During the winter season, Boí Taüll is home to a whole host of activities. To find out what to do at the resort during the snowiest months, please check out the Activities section.

  • 8. Where can I access the Boí Taüll winter activities calendar?

    To access the Boí Taüll winter activities calendar, please visit the Activities section.

  • 9. What activities can be done as a family with young children?

    During the winter season come and enjoy the Snow Park and our snowshoe itineraries. There is also a day-care centre for children from 2 to 6 years old.

  • 10. What is the most recommended area for family skiing?

    At the 2020 level you will find the beginners' areas, the Play Zone and the service areas (cafeteria, schools, toilets, medical service, etc.).

  • 11. Is there an exclusive ski pass for beginners?

    Yes, Boí Taüll offers an exclusive ski pass for beginners. The resort caters to all audiences and facilitates access to skiing. For more information, see the Information Point Office. 

  • 12. Where are the beginner areas located?

    The areas for beginners are located at the 2040 level of Boí Taüll resort.

  • 13. Where can I purchase my Boí Taüll ski pass?

    The Boí Taüll ski pass can be purchased in person at the resort ticket offices, located at the foot of the slopes and in the online store on the Boí Taüll website. The passes purchased on the website must be collected at the vending machines and at the ticket office of the resort, and then you can top up on the website without going through the ticket office. Ski passes sold at the ticket office and on the web are non-consecutive days, valid until the end of the ski season.

  • 14. Where can I buy and collect the season pass?

    Season passes can be purchased through the Store section of our website www.boitaull.cat.

    It is collected at the Automatic Pass Collection Points

  • 15. From what time is the half-day ski pass valid?

    The half-day ski pass is valid from 1 pm and can be purchased at the Boí Taüll resort ticket office or on our website, www.boitaull.cat

  • 16. Is the use of the Ski-Bike or Snow-Bike allowed on the slopes of the FGG mountain resorts?

    The free use of the so-called Ski-Bike or Snow-Bike devices is not allowed on the slopes of the mountain resorts managed by FGC. Except when its use is directly related to people with reduced mobility. Section 14 of the FGC ski resort regulations for use and ski passes is applicable.

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